CRC Tier 1
Academic History
- Canada Research Chair in Plant Cell Biology and Professor;
- B.Sc. Biology (1983), Carleton;
- Ph.D. Plant Cell Biology (1989) Australian National Univ (ANU);
- National Research Fellow (1988-91) ANU;
- Humboldt Fellow (1992-1993), Univ. Heidelberg;
- Queen Elizabeth II Fellow (1992-1998), ANU;
- Fellow/Senior Fellow (1996-2004), ANU.
My Links
Contact Information
- geoff.wasteneys@botany.ubc.ca
- Office: 604-822-4664
- Office: Room 2319 Biological Sciences Bldg
- Lab: 604-822-3480
- Lab: Room 2322 & 2312 Biological Sciences Bldg
Research Interests
1) The control of microtubule dynamics by microtubule-associated proteins.
2) Microtubule polymer activities and the spatial organization of cortical microtubule arrays.
3) The function of cortical microtubule arrays in the mechanical properties of cellulosic cell walls.
Team Memebers
Laryssa Halat, PhD Candidate
Meng Li, PhD Candidate
Aida Rakei, PhD Candidate
Jayamini Jayawardhane, PhD Candidate
Sean Ritter, PhD Candidate
Breanne Bali, MSc Candidate
Donglei Li, MSc Candidate
Chak-Chung (Tommy) Kuo, undergraduate researcher
Selected Publications
For all past and current publications visit: https://wasteneyslab.wixsite.com/ubcwasteneys/publications
Marcus Woodley, Adam Mulvihill, Miki Fujita, Geoffrey Wasteneys (2018) Exploring microtubule-dependent cellulose-synthase-complex movement with high precision particle tracking. Plants 7, 53, doi:10.3390/plants7030053
Ruan Y, Halat L, Khan D, Jancowski S, Ambrose C, Belmonte M, Wasteneys GO. (2018) The microtubule-associated protein CLASP sustains cell proliferation through a brassinosteroid signalling negative feedback loop.Current Biology, 28, 2818-2829 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2018.06.048
Zhonshou Wu, Meng Li, Oliver Xiaoou Dong, Shitou Xia, Wanwan Liang, Yongkang Bao, Geoffrey Wasteneys, Xin Li (2018) Differential regulation of TNL-mediated immune signaling by redundant helper CNLs. New Phytologist 222, 938-953. Article DOI: 10.1111/nph.15665
Arun Sampathkumar, Alexis Peaucelle, Miki Fujita, Christoph Schuster, Staffan Persson, Geoffrey O. Wasteneys and Elliot M. Meyerowitz (2019). Primary wall cellulose synthase regulates shoot apical meristem mechanics and growth. Development 146 (10) pii: dev179036. doi: 10.1242/dev.179036.
Patrick Martone, Kyra Janot, Miki Fujita, Geoffrey Wasteneys, Katia Ruel, Jean-Paul Joseleau, Jose Estevez (2019) Cellulose-rich secondary walls in wave-swept red macroalgae fortify flexible tissues. Planta 250 (6): 1867-1879. doi: 10.1007/s00425-019-03269-1. Sep 3.
Wasteneys GO (2019) Plant Cell Biology: Shifting CORDs to Fine-Tune Phragmoplast Microtubule Turnover. Current Biology 29, R1235-1238, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.10.006.
Halat L, Gyte K, Wasteneys GO (2020) The Microtubule-Associated Protein CLASP is translationally regulated in light-dependent root apical meristem growth. Plant Physiol. 184, 2154-2167. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.20.00474