Andrew Riseman

Associate Member

Academic History

  • Pennsylvania State University, 1997, PhD
  • Pennsylvania State University, 1990, MSc
  • Pennsylvania State University, 1984, BSc

My Links

Contact Information

  • Office Phone: 604-822-9607
  • Office: 323-2357 Main Mall | Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
  • Lab Phone: 604-822-6394

Research Interests

My research interests include understanding the role of plant genetics in the design of sustainable production systems, identifying relevant traits useful in these systems, combining them within superior germplasm, and integrating this germplasm into an optimized system. General areas of interest include plant breeding, intercrop interactions, nutrient use efficiency, root physiology, biotic and abiotic stressor resistance, and edaphic selection. Currently, I am focusing on understanding and designing intensive multi-trophic production systems and the re-integration of plant and animal production.