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Kaitlyn Gaynor
Alex Moore
Marco Todesco

Marco Todesco

Research Interests Plants have developed an incredible variety of strategies to survive to the different challenges they encounter in nature – harsh climates, lack of nutrients, herbivores, etc. The goal of our research is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of this adaptive diversity: how it mediates the interactions between plants and their environment, what are […]

Rachel Wilson

Rachel Wilson

Teching Interests As an ecology instructor and lab coordinator, I endeavour to inspire interest and excitement about the natural world. Ecology is a complex discipline that encapsulates numerous processes occurring at a variety of scales. This makes for a diverse learning experience, but also provides unique challenges for undergraduate students to navigate. Accordingly, I cultivate […]

Keith Adams

Keith Adams

Research Interest My research interests intersect among molecular genetics, genomics, and molecular evolution. My lab’s research is in the areas of genome evolution, molecular evolution, and gene expression – transcriptomics. We study how gene expression patterns, regulation, alternative splicing, and functions evolve. We focus on genes duplicated by whole genome duplication (polyploidy) and other duplication mechanisms at […]